Saturday 25 April 2009


http://http// that want to kill them selfs have issues in thier life. Only god should be able to decide whether it is the right timeto die. People that have families and people that love them are being selfish by commiting suicide. They leave people having to grieve and how hurtful they ust feel, some people even blame thier selfs for the persons actions

Friday 24 April 2009

Responce/Comment to Jaspreet Dhanda Abortions

People think that Abortions are evil , i can argue with that. I have not had a abortion my self so i cannot speak for other people and how deverstating it is. However having a child is a big step. If you get pregnant and you are not with the father, you havn't got no money to support the child, you have been raped then if you don't want the child then no1 should judge you. I understand that mistakes can happen and pregnancies can be unplanned but i suppose if you don't want no kids then try to avoid it! there are so many different types of contreception out there. I also believe that keeping your child in gods eyes is the right thing to do. If you are big enough to have sex then you are big enough to take full responsibility. That goes for the girl and the man.

Responce/Comment to Laura comment

http://http// agree that arguments can be hurtful and painful and get you all heated. When i have arguments depending on the person i can honestly say that i say things that i later on regret. I say say things that i don't really mean. i also agree that some people cannot see where they are in the wrong and don't want to admit it. I hate having arguments with my families but i have noticed that we can have the biggest argument ever but for some strange reason we ALWAYS make up the same night or next day like nothing has ever happend. With my boyfriend i try and stay angry with him but it never works... i always end up making up with him. I think with friends its more difficult and the atmosphere is more tense but true friends always make up.

Saturday 18 April 2009


http://http// think hating is pethetic. I really dont know why people wana hate.I believe that girls are the worst for that situation, they see other pretty girls and don't like it, some girls watch how other girls operate and have envious thoughts in thir head. Girls hate on other girls over boys too lol. A girl that knows her boyfriend likes another girl is goin to think bitch ! lol but i believe if you are happy with your self than you don't need to hate on other girls over silly things like man, hair, appearance, friendshsips!!

Friday 17 April 2009

Armed robbery

My view on armed robbery is wiered. I know that the majority of man that rob people houses are only armed to scare the people. I think its disgusting that people can't work for them selves to buy their own t.vs, playstations, computers, money etc but instead they have to rob someone's hous to get what they want. To me its wukless meaning they are waste. At the end of the day everyone should be allowed to feel safe in thir own home without having to be scared of people coming intotheir house or being hurt by robbers and villans. I think that if you do the crime then you should do the time.

Responce to Charmaine Anderson class A drugs Heroin

I agree with all the facts that have been written about heroin, most people try and avoid the drug because they know what it can do to them However there are a few people that try it when at partys and out of curiousity. Being on heroin means your life can be destroyed and you are extreamly ill. Te majority of people that use heroin donot care enough about themselves to stop. It becomes a routine and people can seriously do them self damage example over dose which can lead to death. Methodone is the only solution tha can help weane people off heroin , an this only stops the aches and paines, scratching and other horrible withdrawel symptoms. STAY AWAY FROM CLASS Ahttp://http//

Monday 13 April 2009


Bullying is defently being bad. Bullying gives people power to be able to intimediate and make people lives hell. Some people that are bullys enjoy doing it and some people i suppose you can put it down to peer pressure. Being bullyed can lead to death thas why it is important that we nform someone b4 it gets too late because some people are weak and may try to kill themselves. It is the teachers responsibility to prevent bullying and punish the bullys. Some people get bullied all ther lives but this could be due to way their personality is(easy to take advantage of) This means that you have to be more stronger and stick up for your self and dont let any one push you around.http://http//

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Responce to David G Fox Marijuarna

http://http// agree canabis is soooo common, They won't legalise it thow i kno for a fact!! cannais was class c and now its goneback up to class b, this is due to the effects it does to the brain. I disagree about england legalising it, if that was the case every one would be smoking it even young children although children do smoke it now. I have seen too may people turn mad off smoking bud, i think it slows you down as well. Smoking a spliff then trying to do anything is terrible. It makes you loose concentration as well as mak you feel lazy. If you want to smoke bud freely go Amsterdam lol then there is no problem there.

Monday 6 April 2009

Child abuse

http://http// abuse is vile and people that live to abuse children are very sick. Mums and dads, uncles and aunts close family friends are usually the ones to harm children. Beating children is abuse, raping babies and children letting them believe that it is normal is sick. Children are usually affected later on in live if they have been abused as a child. I believe that these days social workers need to work harder to see the signs and help prevent any child abuse that occurs.

Sunday 5 April 2009


Drugs is another common thing that young people want to try and experiement. Drugs have bad affects on the body. Class As such as heroin aka brown, Crack/cocaine aka whites are the type ofdrugs that can ruin your life and kill you. People on these drugs are very very ill and will do anything to get it. Heroin deletes something in your immune system that can only b replaced with heroin -scary. Es, and Mdizzle( a new drug ) cannabis are more commondrugs that are used daily by young and older people. Cannabis is the most used drug in the UK the buzz that you get from it is a buzz that most people enjoy. Bt can leave the brain severly damaged.http://http//

Tattoos and piercings

Having a tatoo is one of the most common things people do these days. Piecrcings are even more common then marking your body with ink. Do you think its wrong to pierce a babys ears at the age of 1. Some people think it looks pretty, some people are disgusted with piercings on young children. I believe that if you want a tatto is unsure of what to get then there is no point in having one. Tattos are one of things that you take to your grave so becareful when choosing it.Having a manz name tatto on your body is a stupid move to do. As many girls do, they believe that the mn may be there 4 ever. What will hppen when they break up and the girl finds a -nother man , themn may feel uncomfortable with another manz name tattuedhttp://http// on her body.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Responce Alesha Dell knife crime

I agree with what you are saying many people are dying from stab wounds especially in wolverhampton. Many families and peoples lives have been destroyed from the shock of a family or friend dying. Its a shame really because some people dont even live to see the age of 21,25 or even 30. Stabbings for some strange reason seem like its personal to b able to go up to the person and think yehh!! im going to kill him or even her. But after ehttp:// the hert break of some1 you know being stabbed i am so aggainst the idea. They say that carrying a knife is also for protection. It probably is but it always causes alot of damage. x

Wednesday 18 March 2009


many young people's lives have been ended by them being stabbed by somebody else. Carrying a knife around is meant to be for protection. However many guys that stab people, say its a personal thing rarther than a shootings. The majority of man that have been stabbed in the west midlands alone is riduculouse. Do you think that people that are up for murer shud get something like 23 yrs or longer? some people only get donefor attempted murder or even as little as man slaughter. These days rivals are there to get revenge on somebody thathas killed their friend/family?do we think revenge i nessary ? what do ya'll think? x

Sunday 15 March 2009

DOUBLE TAKE STUDIOS SCAM!! A modelling sudios that scams people by high priced photographs and cancellation fees. Dnt Ever

http://http// 64 DOUBLE TAKE STUDIOS/scam

Listen up all you ladies. Dnt ever ever get fooled into listening to what ever double take studios have got to say because it is a SCAM!!!!. HereS how it works .. a lady will fone you telling you that you have won a competition. They say you have to pay up to 3o pound booking fee which will reserve your place. They also tell you to recommend a friend which will also need a booking fee.
However, it a SCAM!! Basically you cannot get out of it! you will get charged £125 per person if you are 15 mins late, you get charged £125 to cancell per person and you will also get charged double the amount if you do not turn up. You also get chrged for changing you appointment.
They fool you into it by saying you will get a free make over (hair and makeup) and should bring 3-5 outfits. However the pictures are ridiculously pricey £299 for 6 small photos £65 per picture too. They also fool you into giving them your credit/debit card details so they can withdraw money as they please. My friend recommended me and like a idiot i got fooled in to it. PLzPlz dnt ever !! ITS A SCAM . I told my friend to come and we got fooled into it. Now im left with a decision where i will b going to my bank to tell dem its a scam before i even get to attend the dogy appointment. I live in wolves an its all a way in london farringdon. Im a broke student and reli havent gt the money to spend to go all the way up there.

Saturday 28 February 2009

Going back a few weeks ago, people posted their deepest and darkest secrets, and what fun it was to know what some people are really like. Mainly it was about sleeping with other people's partners etc. Alot of posts were to with taking the drug cannabis. Now we all know that a lot of people smoke dope in the UK why do you think that is? every year younger and younger children are discovering what marajuarna can do to you. Why do you think most people want to try it?.. or even so people have bad reactions to smoking it but still continue... is it because they think its "cool" lol leave your comments plz x

The topic that was spoke about in our last lecture was masterbation.. I thought it was embaracing. It was a fun lecture and quite interesting. Being a mature young adult i am not going to think errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr maybe when i was younger but now as iv become older it just seems that people want to experiment with thier bodies. There is always a wonde if males masterbate more than men do? i think that men learn how to give themseves pleasure wayyy before ladiesdo. Does any1 disagree?http://http//

Wednesday 25 February 2009

why do people smoke, is it peer pressure, socializing or is it because you need it? Most people that smoke hard have been smoking for a while. Young children tend to want to try cigarettes due to the fact that either their friends have tried it or they see adults smoking it. Peer pressure can lead to smoking to e.g all your friends smoke and you don't, eventually you will want to.. just to fit in. I rate people that have the will power to say no and stay off fagz. Do you believe that fagz are a stress relief? .You often hear people say " im stressed, i need a fag" Or do you think its all psycological. Well its a bit of both really

http://http// topic in lectures were based on affairs and committing adultry.... lool It always seems that men cheat on women.... however there are some women that cheat on their husband. Either way its decieving!! I do believe that its hard to trust some-one knowing that they have cheated on you. Its always the case where you have to forgive and forget or.... you are ALWAYS going to throw it in the persons face and that alone will destroy the relationship. What do you believe?

Continuing from the topic prostitution!! A man that normally pays for sex and gives a woman money obviously thinks that later on he is going to get a bonus. However the woman that flirts with men an gets money off them leaving them to think that they will get some is devious. It obviously's not prostitution because she hasn't slept with him. However i think it is degrading for a woman to behave like that. Its gold digging and it gives the impression to men and other people that they are easy. What do you think??http://http//

Thursday 19 February 2009


people that rape women usually get beat up when they go to prison, can you blame them. There are any men out there that force girls to have sex with them when they don't want to. There are many debates on this topic in particular thats why some rapists dont up going to prison or they get a rubbish sentence. They believe that some women are to blame for the reason why they have been raped. Some women go with the flowand when it comes to giving a man what they want which is usally sex, they don't want to. Some man get the wrong idea and then the force themselves upon a women. When a woman says no it is wrong for a man to have sex wiv her . Some women also lie and say they have been raped when they havnt this is usaully ot of spite.http://http//


http://http// the lecture last week i thought it was interesting, what did everybody else think? The topic about shoplifting and stealing, i strongly feel that it is wrong!! We talked about why do people steal when they have the money. I think that it is a disgusting habbit that is hard to get out of. I have been told that " if you can get away with stealing, then why should you have to pay?" People that are broke and steal..... i can kind of understand to a certain extend, but bloodyell get a job lol.

Thursday 12 February 2009

week 12

  1. I think that in week 12 we should go over everything that we have learnt from this module and people give their oppinions on what they think of it. It would also be interesting for people to give tier own oppinions of ideas what they think is being bad. I also think that e should evaluate the module by seeing what other topics we could have done and what topics were quite boring. General feedback on what people thought of the module over all.